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The Sleep Sanctuary - and how to build yours

If we think about, for all the exciting and active things we might engage with in life, one of the pleasures that always wins through is an amazing night’s sleep. Getting lost in something snug, cosy, recharging or as escape from stresses and pressures just brings home the satisfaction every time. It’s not for nothing that a lie in or a decision just to stay in bed for a little longer will always rank high on a list of ‘Me Time’ daily wins.

Which means a good mattress as the ‘bed rock’ of that pleasure is one of the most important investments you can make.

But for smart bedroom thinking to make sure the room is your oasis of calm, it’s a little more about adopting a wider mindset.

For over 100 years, Hypnos has been helping people achieve the perfect night’s sleep through its handcrafted and sustainable mattresses and beds.

And they firmly believe that for the ideal sleep sanctuary, a tidy space not only breeds a tidy mind, but also creates a calm haven and a room that’s easier for you to relax and sleep in.

In fact, a healthy bout of de-cluttering is the perfect way to de-stress and create a bedroom that’s free from disorder and optimised for the best sleep.

Group Marketing Director at Hypnos, Chris Ward, believes ‘Having a good clear out and getting rid of unwanted clutter can do wonders for how you feel”

“The bedroom in particular is an extension, and sometimes a reflection, of how you’re feeling. If for example you’re under pressure, feeling stressed or anxious, then your bedroom might be very messy. But if you are feeling confident and positive, it may be on the other end of the spectrum and extremely tidy. So to get from A to B and help build the spirit of positivity, a clear out approach might be helpful”

But be careful not to be too ruthless. Be kind to yourself and your possessions and make sure you keep anything of sentimental value as memories are precious.

  • Work through the room, ‘zone by zone’ to focus on getting each part right
  • Don’t bin everything by being too ruthless, and keep things that are important to you but not right for the room packed away
  • But when ‘binning’ anything, think around whether you can help the recycling loop by dropping things off at a charity shop
  • Think seasonally - what doesn’t work now but will definitely be back in the mix come Winter, and pack it away so it easy to rotate as the months change
  • And think around reducing visual stimulus and distractions from the sleep mission . Clear surfaces really help, and if clearer to start with, there is less room to just add clutter without it being really noticed. Sometimes an extra piece of furniture, such as an Ottoman or a laundry basket, or a large jewellery box can create more space rather than less, once its role in helping with the declutter mission is clear.

None of this means losing individuality, as we are in the era of personalisation in everything, but in being good to ourselves, having a strategy to max that really matters. And as you would hear most of our hotel partners say, having a good night’s sleep is key to all else that follows.